Living This Creative Life

I have two favorite quotes. The first one is by Emile Zola, "If you asked me what I came into this world to do, I would tell you that I came to live out loud". I don't know who the second one is by, but it goes like this, "If you're not living on the edge then you might as well jump". Both of these sentiments sum up my personal philosophy of this experience we call life on earth. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Appologies and a New Design # 95

Good Day All,

My apologies for not adding a new design in so long. My business is keeping me so busy right now that I'm not sure if I'm coming or going! Plus, I've been without a lap top for about a month due to a little mishap with a glass of red wine. But, I took some time earlier this week to stitch out a few more new designs. I call this one Nautilus. Click on either image to see larger.

This stitch out is essentially like a swirl. You'll probably want to doodle it out before you begin stitching.

To start, beginning near the center of your block stitch a swirl beginning from the outside and stitching in. Make the swirl about 1 1/2" wide. Once you reach the center of the swirl, begin making wavy lines from one side of the swirl over to the other side and back again. Travel along the inside of the swirl about 1/4" and stitch another line from side to side. Continue stitching these lines from side to side keeping them about 1/4" - 1/3" apart until your reach the end of the swirl. Stitch out and away from the first swirl and stitch a second swirl that is slightly smaller than the first one. Again, stitch from the outside in to the swirl then stitch back out of the swirl as you stitch the lines from side to side.

Continue adding more swirls of various sizes, nestling new swirls into previously stitched ones and varying the directions of the swirls too.

Thanks for coming or coming back. I promise new designs more regularly and I'll be writing about other stuff too!

Till next time,


Anonymous said...

Love the nautilus swirls.

Judy B

me said...

Hi Heather!
We've missed you- but SO glad that your business is progressing well! Continued success to you!
This is a VERY cool stitch-out! It looks amazing when it's all filled in- I will definitely have to doodle this one. These stitch-outs are great for starting a page in an art journal too, when you do the doodling...
Have a great day, see you soon! xo