Living This Creative Life

I have two favorite quotes. The first one is by Emile Zola, "If you asked me what I came into this world to do, I would tell you that I came to live out loud". I don't know who the second one is by, but it goes like this, "If you're not living on the edge then you might as well jump". Both of these sentiments sum up my personal philosophy of this experience we call life on earth. Enjoy!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Block #96 in the machine quilting challenge

Good Morning All,
I wanted to show you all a photo of my beloved quilting machine. This is what I now do all of my machine quilting on. It is a Pfaff (yes, a pfaff!) Hobby Quilter, the baby sister to the Grand Quilter. It has a 9" opening and stitches faster than light (I usually stitch at much lower speeds!) I love this baby - she works hard, never complains and likes every brand and weight of thread that I throw at her.

Here is another new design. It is comprised of two elements that we've already done; a single sided feather and echoing. Click on the drawing to see it larger and follow the arrows for a better graphic. Doodle it out before you start stitching too.

Beginning near the center of your block, stitch a long line with a slight curve at the beginning and end it with a swirl. Keep the lines of the swirl about 1/2" apart. Once you are in the center of the swirl, begin making half heart shaped feathers along the outside of the swirl and all the way down the spine to complete the single sided feather.

Once you are out of the feather, stitch back up the side that doesn't have feathers on it keeping the stitch line about 1/4" away from the spine. When you reach the feathers on the swirl, stitch around them too. Keep stitching all the way around the half feather keeping the stitch lines about 1/4" apart until you have circled the feather twice. Stitch back up along the spine then stitch out and away and form another half feather. Echo it twice and fill in any space between the two with more echoing. Keep adding new half feathers and echoing them and filling in the spaces in between until you have filled the block. Strive to keep all of the stitching lines 1/4" apart.

Hope you enjoy this one - it's one of my favorites - I love all of the tactile texture it imparts.

Till next time,


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