Good Morning,
Here is today's new stitch-out; Blowing leaves. It is a great design to use for a complete fill in background areas, sashing or borders. I think it looks best tight and small.
If you've never used this almond shape before make sure to doodle it out before you begin stitching.
The basic shape is an almond and each shape nestles into the shapes around it with very little negative space in between.
Begin near the middle of the block and stitch an almond shape that is about 1" long and 1/2" wide with a point at the end. To do this, stitch a curved line up then stitch back down with a curve in the opposite direct, leaving an opening at the base that is about 1/4"wide. Stitch back up and form a second, smaller almond shape inside the first one then stitch back out and stitch another almond shape that points in a different direction. Stitch a smaller almond shape inside the second almond then stitch out and form a third almond shape. Keep stitching double almonds nestling the new one in between previously stitched ones and trying to change directions as much as possible while maintaining a tight design with little negative space.
Hope you enjoy this new design,
Till tomorrow,