Living This Creative Life

I have two favorite quotes. The first one is by Emile Zola, "If you asked me what I came into this world to do, I would tell you that I came to live out loud". I don't know who the second one is by, but it goes like this, "If you're not living on the edge then you might as well jump". Both of these sentiments sum up my personal philosophy of this experience we call life on earth. Enjoy!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Block #23 in the Machine Quilting Challenge

Good Morning and Happy Friday,

It looks like we're in for a lovely Springtime weekend here in Denver, high 60's, low 70's. A great time to begin getting the garden ready for summer flowers.

It's hard to set aside studio time once the weather gets nice and the outdoors beckons us, but remember how good it feels to create and make time for this 'oh so important' aspect of your life.

Here is today's stitch-out, "Oh, My Stars", it features both straight lines and a curvy stipple. In case you don't know this, if you click on the photo of the block, you can see the stitch-out much larger. If it has been a long time since your drew these grade school style stars, you may want to practice a lot before you start stitching. For this stitch-out to look nice and tidy, the stars must be a whole lot bigger than the stippling between them. Aim for stars that are very similar in size too.

Begin near the center of your block and stitch a star. Make the first long leg about 1 1/2" long then angle down and away to form a long acute angle with the second leg. Next, angle back up and dissect the first line at about the middle and go past it about 1/2" then make a straight line that dissects both the 1st and 2nd lines. Now angle down through the 1st and 2nd lines then back up to your starting point.

Once you reach the starting point, move past it as you begin to stipple. Stipple all the way around the star filling in about 1/2" of space around it then make another star. Continue making stars and stippling around them keeping the distance between the stars somewhat equal.

This is a great stitch-out for kids quilts and practicing it is a wonderful way to teach you to master straight lines, angles and spacing.

Enjoy your weekend,

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